Popular Budget Yarn Brands
If you’re new to knitting or just looking to try some new yarns, it is easy to develop choice paralysis. There are so many beautiful yarns to try and so little time to create. For that reason, I’ve put together a few lists of all the popular budget yarn brands!
Everyone has a different idea of what a “budget” yarn is. For the simple reason we all come from different walks of life and have drastically different budgets! Each list is based on a different price point and you may see some yarn brands in multiple lists. My compilation is in no way complete, but will give you information on some of the most common brands.
Know of a brand that should be in one of my budget brand lists? Send me a message. I’d like to make these lists as relevant and helpful as possible.
If you are wondering about a specific yarn rather than a brand, check for it in the yarn reviews or yarns to try to see what I think! The site search is a great way to discover yarns.
$ – Very Affordable Yarn Brands
My first group of budget yarns are those very affordable and readily available yarns you can typically find at your average craft store. Most of the budget yarns offered by brands in this list will be acrylic or acrylic blends featuring cotton and wool. All the brands in this list will have most of their yarns priced at $.03/yd or less. Read the ($) Budget Yarn Brand list.
$$ – Midpoint Budget Yarns
If you’re able to squeeze a little more cash into your yarn budget, the second list introduces you to an brands producing quality natural fibers for less. Brands in this list will offer higher end acrylics, but they are mostly known for affordable natural fibers like wools, silks and alpacas. Most yarns offered by these brands will have a price per yard from $0.03-$0.05. Read the ($$) Midpoint Budget Yarn Brand list.
$$$ – Budget Luxury Yarn on a Budget
For a large portion of us, there is no way the yarns in this final list will ever be considered a budget yarn unless we get a steep discount. But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen these brands being called affordable. They aren’t Madelinetosh, so for that reason they are budget friendly to someone! Yarns from these brands typically have a price per yard of $0.05 and up. Read the ($$$) Luxury Yarn Brand List