Recommended Yarn Stores
If you’re new to the yarn and crafting community, it can be hard to know what kind of yarn to buy and where to buy it. Especially online! No one wants to provide their personal information to an untrustworthy retailer. I’ve created a list of verified yarn stores that everyone knows and loves.
Below are yarn stores I have purchased from time and time again. You can’t go wrong purchasing from one of these reputable retailers. Found a retailer, but not sure what yarn to buy? Read the lists of my favorite budget yarn brands and where they can be found.
Independent Local Yarn Stores
Additionally, you may be interested in finding an independent local yarn store near you. Local yarn stores are amazing small businesses that offer unique yarns you just cannot find at the large retailers. If you’re looking for an amazing hand painted yarn from an indie dyer, then you’ve got to find your local yarn store!
To find a local yarn store, you can search the popular website Ravelry or do a simple Google search for “local yarn store“.
Local yarn stores offer so much to the crafting community. Not only do they help support the indie dyers, but they offer classes and meetups that can be beneficial for new knitters. I highly recommend visiting your LYS (local yarn store) in person. Can’t get to the store? Many offer online ordering, just be sure to check for an SSL certificate (little green check mark in the address bar), before entering your credit card information.
Many local yarn stores will ship outside of their immediate area. One of my favorite independent US shops is SkeinShop – they even ship to Canada. If you’re in the UK, we recommend you check out StashFineYarns. I’ve ordered from them on eBay and had a great experience. A few other well known smaller shops that sell online: