Favorite Gear: Knitting Project Bag
When I was first starting out as a knitter, my focus was on cheap gear – cheap knitting needles, makeshift project bag, etc. I didn’t want to monetarily commit to something that I didn’t think I’d stick with. As an on/off crocheter and frustrated knitter, I was justified in my thinking of “How do I get into this hobby cheaply?”
Being justified is not the same as being correct. I still think the approach I took was the right approach for me, but I definitely under estimated the value of having high quality knitting gear.
My Quick and Dirty Project Bag
You’ve heard about my journey to find the best knitting needles, now let me tell you about my project bag. Being the cheap and resourceful person that I am, my knitting bag was a small dollar store tote bag with a handmade, covered cardboard insert to make it stand upright. I spent one morning cutting cardboard sections, covering them with cotton fabric and stitching it all together into a simple partitioned box. One section was large enough for a small project/yarn and the second section was smaller, for notions, needles, etc.
This worked just fine and I was content. But it certainly wasn’t fancy or good enough for larger projects.
My husband, on the lookout for a good Christmas gift, saw my makeshift project bag and decided to buy me a nice one for Christmas 2018. I don’t know what his process was for researching project bags. I can tell you he usually just looks through the top 5 best selling products on Amazon and then hits buy. He and I have very different approaches to shopping.
Come Christmas morn’, I unwrapped the Luxja Small Knitting Tote Bag. I am ashamed to say that I was content enough with my makeshift bag that I didn’t really know what to think of the gift! But I’ve used it for over a year now and I have plenty of good things to say about it.
The Luxja Small Knitting Tote Bag
First off, the Luxja bag is definitely durable and well made. I’ve hauled it around the house, had dogs knock it over and I even took it on a road trip last summer. It still looks like new with no signs of wear.
Second, it is surprisingly roomy, even for a “small” bag. This knitting project bag is perfect for traveling! My road trip last summer was two weeks long. I had no idea how much knitting I would or would not be able to do. In my Luxja bag, I was able to fit my current project (Strawberry Fields Socks) and 4 skeins of Lion Brand Jeans in case I had time to start my Autumn League Pullover. All of this fit in addition to my interchangeable knitting needle set, stitch markers, measuring tape, gauge tool, highlighters, hand cream. I even fit other road trip entertainment devices like my Kindle Paperwhite, mp3 player, iPad Mini, headphones and chargers for all of the above.
It was the perfect bag not only for my knitting, but for consolidating all the various forms of automobile entertainment needed for the entire 50+ hours of driving.
Finally, you have so many pockets and slots with this bag, you almost have too many! The front, back and sides all have numerous slots and pockets for knitting needles, yarn labels, stitch markers, road trip accessories…. you name it. I haven’t even gotten to the interior! The interior pockets are my favorite; they are excellent multi-taskers. You can keep extra skeins of yarn separate from your current work, you can store hand cream, or you can stash a pattern.
Bonus feature: The zippered top keeps your ornery pets from grabbing your project and tearing across the room with it.
Is this the Ultimate Knitting Bag?
My dollar store hack of a bag never would have breezed through a road trip. Instead of having everything I needed readily accessible in slots & pockets, I I would have been digging for ages. I’m really happy with the Luxja Small Knitting Tote Bag. With the durability and flexibility of use, I’m certain this will be my go to knitting bag for years.
However I do not think this is the ultimate knitting bag. I still need a knitting bag that is portable enough I can use to attempt to knit while walking or exercising. On of my goals is to (eventually) find more opportunities to knit. Walking the dog could be a perfect opportunity? Maybe once she learns to pee the right way.
Do you have a favorite project bag?
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Luxja Knitting Bag
Luxja Small Knitting Tote Bag
The absolute perfect project bag for travel, we highly recommend the Luxja Knitting bag. Buy your own at Amazon.com!
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