SMC Soft & Easy Yarn Review – The International Gem
Just like my review for Cascade Yarns North Shore, I’m going to make my SMC Soft & Easy Yarn Review short and sweet. Why? This yarn from Schachenmayr is mostly out of stock at LoveCrafts right now, and I have no idea whether or not I have to say goodbye to yet ANOTHER amazing yarn or not. But I have hope this is just a supply chain issue because there are still plenty of sellers on eBay and Etsy shipping this yarn from Germany.
Availability of SMC Soft & Easy
I’ll start by sharing something I learned recently: some online stores will shorten the Schachenmayr name to SMC. So if you’re having trouble finding it under one name, try searching for the other! I was able to find Soft & Easy under the SMC name on Hobium.
That may make it a little more available than I originally thought, but with retailers mostly out of stock the 5 out of 10 rating still stands.
What it’s like to Knit SMC Soft & Easy
This low pilling acrylic yarn from Schachenmayr is one of the yarns from the Ultimate Acrylic Yarn Comparison I TRULY enjoyed working with. While I was knitting, I fell in love with the squishy nature of this yarn. I didn’t find this yarn to be particularly special when crocheting, but I had no complaints, which is an endorsement of it’s own.

I gave a rating of 8 out of 10 for workability.
How soft is SMC Soft & Easy?
When I was feeling all the yarns in their skeins at the beginning of the UAYC, I thought Soft & Easy was going to be the hands down winner. After swatching and washing, it wasn’t quite as impressive, but still was amazingly soft. Swatching kept it in the top 5 softest yarns, whereas washing didn’t do it any favors!

It’s not that Soft & Easy got rougher, but rather that so many of the other yarns got softer with washing. But that doesn’t mean this OKEO-TEX certified yarn from SMC isn’t worth it. I still gave it a 9 out of 10 ranking because it is still crazy soft. Oh, and it’s got that S on S ply I love so much.
Reviewing The Durability of SMC Soft & Easy
Schachenmayr did an amazing job with this yarn and created something wonderfully durable. With a 9 out of 10 rating, Soft & Easy is one of the most durable yarns I compared. It didn’t get put into my group of clear winners, but it was definitely a runner up with above average resistance to all the washing I put it through.

Concluding the SMC Soft & Easy Yarn Review: A Clear Winner!
The combined softness and durability of Soft & Easy makes it a yarn that I would highly recommend. If only it was easier to find! I was thankful to get 5 more skeins of the Burgundy colorway from LoveCrafts. Because I absolutely fell in love with the yarn and the colorway when making the Hinagiku Hat.

Additionally, I absolutely love the colors available. You won’t find the largest selection on LoveCrafts these days, but if you head over to Etsy you can find several gorgeous shades, including the Soft & Easy Color line of denim shades!
Both Soft & Easy and Soft & Easy Color have brand new shades listed on the Schachenmayr website, so I have confidence this yarn is not being discontinued. It’s just a question of how easy this yarn will be able to find in the United States if LoveCrafts is reducing their stock.
So if you’re lucky enough to find this international gem, I hope the SMC Soft & Easy yarn review was helpful!
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Schachenmayr Soft & Easy
You can find Soft & Easy at LoveCrafts most of the time, but when you can’t I’d recommend checking eBay and Etsy. I’m dying for the Petrol and Charcoal colorways to be available again soon!