Patons Classic Wool Worsted Yarn
If you’re here reading about budget yarn, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that 100% wool yarns are not very common on the physical shelves of your average “big box” yarn store. You may get a seasonal selection of yarns with a high percentage of wool if you are lucky, but if you need to run out an purchase wool yarn RIGHT NOW, your options are going to be limited. With the trend of bulky roving yarns, you can typically find an 100% wool roving by Patons or Buttercream. But what about a regular worsted or sport weight wool yarn?
Most Common Locally Sold 100% Wool Yarn
The only 100% wool yarn I consistently see on the shelves of Michael’s or Joann’s here in the Seattle metro area is Paton’s Classic Wool Worsted (you may see the DK weight if you are extra lucky). Classic Wool Worsted is a non-superwash wool so it’s readily available for those felting projects as well as hand wash knit and crochet adventures. For a worsted weight yarn you get some good yardage – 210 yards per 100g skein.
Classic Wool Worsted is one of those yarns that has a pretty big price discrepancy depending on which store you’re looking at. I bought a single skein of the dark gray marl at Michael’s, where the regular price is $5.99/skein. At Joann, the same yarn will sell for $7.99/skein; why it is so much more expensive at Joann, I do not know! We’ll use the cheaper Michael’s price for our breakdown and a commonly available discount – 30% off all regular price items in your buy online or pick up in store order.
Yarn | Price | Price/Yd |
1 Skein Regular Price | $5.99 | $0.028/yard |
1 Skein w/ 30% Off Coupon | $4.19 | $0.019/yard |
Project | Reg. Price | Sale Price |
A Hat (1 Skeins) | $5.99 | $4.19 |
Scarf (2 skeins) | $11.98 | $8.38 |
Small Sweater (5 skeins) | $29.95 | $20.95 |
First Impressions of Classic Wool Worsted
Overall, Paton’s Classic Wool Worsted is your standard plied wool yarn and you are going to buy it because it’s readily available. Our initial impression of Patons wool yarn is that although it may not immediately trigger itching, it isn’t noticeably soft. We aim to discover how the texture changes when worked, hand washed and worn.
Be sure to come back to read our final budget yarn review!
Featured in this Post

Paton’s Classic Wool Worsted
Dark Gray Marl
Paton’s Classic Wool Worsted
Classic Wool Worsted is a yarn readily available in local stores like Michael’s and Joanns. Buy online at Yarnspirations.com.