Berroco Lustra Yarn Review
Reviewing a yarn takes more consideration than contemplating a purchase – and around here we take those purchases seriously. Needless to say we do not take the review process lightly. In today’s yarn review we’re giving Berroco Lustra our attention.
Berroco Lustra Availability
Unfortunately Lustra has been discontinued! But you are likely able to find some for sale by other crafters on Ravelry, Etsy and Ebay.
Berroco Lustra Wearability
The Lustra colours were absolutely gorgeous, as was the sheen. If having fashionable colors factors into your wearability matrix, Lustra is a winner!

When I made the purchase I performed my trusty itch test and it passed that too. I was very surprised when after this amazing first impression a yarn that appeared to be high quality became one of my all time least favorite yarns. What, you ask, was such a dealbreaker about this yarn?
Berroco Lustra Workability
I’ve worked with lots of cheap yarns, acrylic and otherwise, so to find a higher end yarn that was splittier than the splittiest cheap yarn was so very disappointing. I do not exaggerate. As I was making the Song of the Sea Cowl for my sister-in-law, I regularly had to re-knit stitches to be sure and grasp the strands that had split away. I also had to knit much slower to keep this occurrences to a minimum.
The splitty nature of this yarn may not bother you as much if you are a thrower, but as a continental style knitter, Lustra was a total pain in the butt. I can imagine it would be just as bad if you were to crochet with it. Since I picked this yarn for gift knitting, I had to revise my plans for my mother-in-law’s gift to find a pattern with simple, simple stitches. I settled on the Autopilot cowl, which only uses K, K2TG and YO. This was manageable, but again I needed to work slower than I normally do.

Berroco Lustra Yarn Durability
My experience with this yarn was bad enough, I’m ready to slap a “Don’t Buy” label on this yarn even without waiting to see how the yarn is holding up. I will come back and update this when I do know how it wears. In the meantime, I would recommend a different yarn. Do not be seduced by the beautiful colorways and save yourself the headache.
Berroco Lustra Yarn Review Verdict
Some yarns are clear losers from the second you begin to work with them. Others are amazing to work with, but you find yourself regretting the purchase decision when that time consuming garment you made begins to show premature signs of wear. Unfortunately, the Berroco Lustra I purchased earlier this year fits into the first category – a clear loser.
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in Berroco Lustra
We hated Berroco Lustra.
Unforunately we just cannot recommend this yarn. If you’d like to find an alternate we can highly recommend the website YarnSub.com to help you find similar yarns! Check out other other Berroco yarns at LoveCrafts.
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