Happy 2021! An Update for the Budget Yarnaholics
Hello yarn loving, loyal reader! I want to thank you for your patience as the blog has remained silent for the last two months. In case you don’t follow me on Youtube or Facebook, the silence is due to my long distance move. You can watch my brief video update in the video below or read on! As always, my video content is different than my written content, but the point is the same.
In November, we decided to return to Colorado after living in Seattle for six years. Moving is stressful on it’s own, but combine that with the chaos of coronavirus and you have a whole new beast.
My ONE Yarn Purchase
Due to these changes, I have only been able to purchase one yarn! Loops & Threads Eco-Cozy is an 100% recycled plastic yarn that looks like a wool roving. It is hand wash only, so I don’t know how I’m going to like it. But the colors are pretty! You may be able to find this yarn on sale at Michael’s right now, and I expect to see it going on clearance soon as well (it’s that time of year).
To insert a side rant, has anyone else had problems being able to buy yarns at Joann & Michael’s this season? Every doorbuster yarn is immediately out of stock, and I am unable to get any of my go-to yarns! I’m even beginning to worry that some of my favorite yarns (KC Smooth and Loops & Threads Joy DK in particular) may be discontinued because I cannot find ANY stock in store or online.
I’ve Done So Very Little Knitting
I’ve also done very little knitting since the move began – a simple bit of flat knit trellis stitch and the beginnings of some sweater sleeves. But I have a whole list of projects I finished before the move began that I need to update you all on. Each of these projects uses a yarn from the Ultimate Acrylic Yarn comparison and they’ve given me additional insights on the yarns. I’ve got two hats, a cowl, and a few more baby things (I think).
Stay tuned for More Updates in February!
The good news is that I will finally be able to move into my new home next week. And once I am mostly settled in (February hopefully), I will focus on resuming the follow up to the Ultimate Acrylic Yarn Comparison. I have the beginnings of swatches for the new yarns being added, but I have not yet begun the re-swatching and washing process.
As I conclude, thank you again for your patience and continued support of the blog. I *think* I may have just barely made enough in affiliate commissions to pay for hosting this year!